Thursday, February 22, 2007

My Walk to Work is Shorter Than Your Walk to Work

I, Melissa, just got a new job on Queen Street West. It is a whopping 3 minute walk away from our apartment which trumps Bobby's 4 minute walk to the church. Yay, I win.


At 2:25 p.m. , Blogger debrowns said...

Congrats on the new job.
I used to live in an apartment building right beside the church (like a 1 minute walk in summer, 3 in the winter when I couldn't cut across the church lawn). Then we moved to the townhouse beside the apartment building (2 minutes). It was wonderful except for all the times people would show up at the church and decide they needed something or into somewhere, and call us. It as convienient though, because we didn't have a car and I'm always running late in the morning. We now have a car and live less than a 5 minute car ride.


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