Thursday, February 16, 2006

One Broken Lamp...Not Bad

Bobby lovin' on the jr high retreat air. When people pray crazy good things happen. They prayed for snow and it snowed like crazy!

Bobby and an amazing leadership team took 16 jr highs to Guelph for a weekend of good times, God experiences and wacky games.

Bobby was feelin' the love the whole weekend. He told his now famous 'wet the bed' stories, fart jokes/impressions, and don't forget his deoderant rants! Bobby also got to teach them how to pray by going thru "the Lord's prayer" compliments of Matthew & David Chotka. Good things!

Other than one broken lamp and all the leaders taking a sick day, the retreat seems like it was a big success. Bobby feels tighter with the youth. The youth know him better and most seem to still like him (ha ha). All connected with God on various levels and were told repeatedly that they are loved! God continues to work and answer prayers...above and beyond what we expect!!