Thursday, April 19, 2007

Loafing Around...Kind of

What can I say? The blog has been neglected over the past few months. So here are some updates.

I, Melissa, have been at my new job for a month & a half and it has been good. Kip came and visited me at work and said it was the first time he had seen me smile at work. I then asked Bobby what my face looked like at IKEA and he said, "frantic". So I'd say things are looking up!

I am also loving not having to commute to work and becoming more familiar with the Queen Street West crowd. Coming home for lunch and hanging with the cat or Bobby has been a treat as well.

Bobby is busy going to support some of our teens and their families in court. There have been some very cool breakthroughs. Guy's club is also going well and been well attended. Its been great having good, new male leaders too. Our event nights continue to be both challenging and encouraging as new & old teens come out. We are always surprised by who shows good ways.

Bobby & I are both looking forward to the summer. Summer is a big networking time in the community for Bobby. Youth and their families are outside alot and Bobby just needs to walk around to connect with them. It is completely his element...maybe not culturally but socially!


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