Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Other Reason Bobby Loves Going to the Laundry Mat

Its true! Bobby loves going to the laundry mat! Apparently, there are two ways to fold laundry, the Bobby way and the wrong way. The OTHER reason Bobby loves going to the laundry mat is he ALWAYS meets people there.

The beautiful graffiti to Bobby's left was done by Jeff a great breakdancer/graffiti artist/follower of Christ. Bobby spotted Jeff walking by the laundry mat, remembered him from the Brampton youth circuit and they had a good chat. What a small world.

It'll be interesting to see what else comes out of Bobby's weekly trip to the laundry mat. Here's to clean clothes!

Thanks for helping carry up the laundry Jeff!


At 10:24 a.m. , Blogger Maria Scicluna said...

Melissa you are blessed among women that Bobby does the laundry! It would be an awsome place to meet people and get to know them.


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