Friday, August 25, 2006

The Sweetest Cat...Possibly on the Planet

The Girl a.k.a. Girly, Fatty Lumpkin, and Stinky has just snuggled up beside me, looked up at me and started purring. She is beyond lovely and yet another piece of comfort after feeling a bit junky today.

I dare you to hate is...Inconceivable! (Even Kip is warming up to her! Wowee!)


At 11:14 p.m. , Blogger Maria Scicluna said...

Nothing like Kitties. I am missing our 2 right now since we are in Edmonton and Shadie and Dietrich are in Mississauga. Check out this link to meet the one who stole my heart here in Edmonton and who is in need of a home and I pray that GOD will find the right home specially for Sassy(the one on the right). I would love to sneak her back home but that would sure get me evicted.


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