Wednesday, July 12, 2006

There's No Place Like Home. There's No Place Like Home. There's No Place Like Home (But The Rest Sure Is Nice!).

Bobby & I are both really glad to be back home in Toronto and looking forward to the summer ahead.

Kudos goes out to the Chotka's who mentioned staying at this cute motelly place by the hotsprings by Pocahantas on the way to Jasper. Mountains and hotwater....more science we just don't get but we definetly enjoyed it!

Kudos to Sher & Janna Martin who took us to the best Edmonton restaurant that we can never remember the name of.

Kudos to Jack & Sharon Ninaber who know how to let the good times roll.

Kudos to Corinne who let us crash her fancy room that she didn't get to enjoy on a daily basis.

Kudos to all Bobby's old & new friends. He had fun (no surprise) hangin' with all of you (especially his old district buddies)!

One final big Kudos to you reading this blog! Thanks for caring about us or at least being curious enough to check us out!


At 2:26 p.m. , Blogger the Doug said...

we had fun too.

At 4:32 p.m. , Blogger Maria Scicluna said...

Alberta sure is nice.. missing it here.


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