Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Honey, You Know I Love You...But I Just Can't Smile

A young man was shot 2 weekends ago in our community. They took him off life support last week. The viewing & funeral were in the last few days. Bobby only remembers meeting him once and it was at a funeral.
All I can hear right now as I'm sitting on our couch is laughter and dumb talk from the restaurant's patio patrons and a live rendition of Pink Floyd. I'm so over it.
Don't get me wrong. I love laughing. Dumb talk can be fun...even a pinch of the Floyd. But tonight, I don't feel like laughing.


At 5:08 p.m. , Blogger Fred said...

Ouch. That sucks. Indifference (even unintentional) is the worst.


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