Monday, January 08, 2007

Prickley on the Outside, Squishey on the Inside

Here are some of the collectables that amuse me (Melissa). The McDonald's Narnia set came from Katie (thanks again...and sorry Carolyn!) and thanks to Tracy for the backgrounds. I couldn't resist Gandalf who booms "You Shall Not Pass!!!". Kip started off the whole collection with Janice, sans guitar here, who is my favourite Muppet. The most recent addtion is my cactus friend Polpettina (thanks again Kip!).

I've been thinking alot about Polpettina (Italian for little meatball) because in many ways I am Polpettina. Squishy on the inside and 'fun' prickles on the outside.

This isn't a new revelation. I've been racking my head for the past year trying to figure out why I am so self-protective. There aren't any obvious answers. I had a safe & loving childhood and yet I still hid behind 'my mother's skirt'. Fear has always been there. Fear of rejection and fear of invisibility. My double-edged sword.

A really cool girl at my church and I are starting a 'micro'group (only 2 or 3 people) where we hopefully will be asking each other tough questions. The whole idea terrifies and electrifies me. I don't do vulernable well. But talking to her and others, I've been discovering that this is the norm. You are all my cactus friends.


At 5:38 p.m. , Blogger Maria Scicluna said...

Melissa I love the way you describe things, including yourself. I have recently taken out a book out of the library called "the color code" search it out. The writer finds that all people are one of 4 personalities(with many variations off course). I was so amazed at how I saw what he states. The book is also great at making you understand why people do things according to their motivation of that personality. check out this site and take the time to do the test, just remember your answers are to be based on how you were as a child. Let me know what you think.

At 5:25 p.m. , Blogger Tarasview said...

I love the meatball illustaration! I too am plauged by unexplainable fears... don't you think a whole lot of us are? I suspect it is more common than we'd like to admit. I also have a "micro-group" of sorts... unofficially of course but it functions the same. It's great. Forces openness... it has been life changing for me.


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