Friday, November 17, 2006

Pain & Sorrow Fill the Air...Happy Birthday

Well it all started with being woken up by gunshots Saturday morning at 3:15am. I got up and watched events unfold. I saw a man do a celebratory dance on the corner (it looked like he had just scored a touchdown...very 'rejoices in evil'), then police, paramedics, a man on a gurney and firemen searching for bullets. Apparently 4 men were randomly shot. 3 in the leg and 1 in the back. None of their injuries were lifethreatening.

Then I left for work 45 minutes early and found that there was a fatal accident on the highway. Since they closed the Gardiner as I was on it, I was a half hour late.

Then my locker at work broke. Okay so that sounds soo petty now.

Anyhow, life is good tho short. My 'Jesus died and rose again' birthday is over and there is lots to celebrate and appreciate. I am truly 'blessed up'!


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