Thursday, November 02, 2006

I'm Glad You Asked!

Maria Dunsmore said..."I love the term "street involved" is that something you coined together or the new politically correct way?"

"Street Involved people" refers to people who live on the street or make a living on the street. This includes panhandlers, squeegie kids, drug dealers, prostitutes, the "hey buddy...wanna buy a watch" vendors, artists and buskers, etc. Many of these people do not actually live on the street but live in shelters, rooming houses, etc. Now where we live we only have a few "street tourists"...those who visit the street life...most are there day in and day out.

No, we did not invent the term "street involved" but we are glad to talk with them, look them in the eye and smile. We are privileged to call some of them by name and consider them friends. They make us better people and we are blessed to know them. We've learned so much from them....street involved people have much to teach us, if only we'll listen.


At 8:54 p.m. , Blogger Maria Scicluna said...

Thank you, sounds like a real exciting/sad also day to day learning experience living where you live.


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