Sunday, February 25, 2007

Beyond Fortune Cookies

Get off the bench!
Bring it on!
Flaunt your incredibleness.
Be satisfied with your best.
Strong enough for life in overdrive.
Strong bodies, strong minds.
Be passionate.
Don't give up, I certainly won't.
Keep going you super-fabulous chick.
Life in sport...Get in the game.
Don't let PMS win this game.
Peak performance...always.
You're at the top of your game!
I can handle the pressure--just like you!
No distractions...just pure concentration.

Help us all, the lastest in feminine monthly products...wrappers with 'encouraging' sayings.

No really, I'm not kidding.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Its funny how giving notice at a job makes me so sad and contemplative.

A few months back, my manager commented how I was a bit of a 'chicken'. She was bang on. She continued on to say how things can't always be perfect and that sometimes just throwing yourself into situations is the best way to learn. Wow...bawk bawk. There is this completely ridiculous notion in me that says, "I can do it on my own." which I know is laughable. I hate looking stupid and yet I embrace that I do stupid things all the time. Strange no?

I was reading The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning today and well...check it out for yourself.

"One morning at prayer, I heard this word: little brother, I witnessed a Peter who claimed that he did not know Me, a James who wanted power in return for service to the kingdom, a Philip who failed to see the Father in Me, and scores of disciples who were convinced I was finished on Calvary. The New Testament has many examples of men and women who started out well and then faltered along the way. Yet on Easter night I appeared to Peter. James is not remembered for his ambition but for the sacrifice of his life for Me. Philip did see the Father in Me when I pointed the way and the disciples who despaired had enough courage to recognize Me when we broke bread at the end of the road of Emmaus. My point, little brother, is this: I expect more failure from your than you expect from yourself."

Jesus does not condemn us when we fail (see Prodigal Son). Living in God's grace means giving up on self-attained perfection and the fears that hold us back.

Jesus have our chicken fears and our striving. Let's superfly into the Father's open and reaching arms without hesitation. "Airplane Ride!"

My Walk to Work is Shorter Than Your Walk to Work

I, Melissa, just got a new job on Queen Street West. It is a whopping 3 minute walk away from our apartment which trumps Bobby's 4 minute walk to the church. Yay, I win.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Which character from LOST are you most like?


Style in Progress 2006

Bobby, Kelly, England Chris & I checked out the results of Style in Progress 2006 which happened on the alley south of Queen St. West starting at Spadina. The art work is truly incredible. This piece was all paper characters glued to the wall and tv. If you come down and visit us, we'll take you for a tour!

Toronto Style In Progress 2005

I know this is old and long. But if you watch it you'll see Bobby's friend Jeff Goring (wearing a funny hat and breakdancing & flippin his spray can). Here's a guy who is relevent, real and present. If only we all used our gifts as effectively!

Granted one of Bobby's gifts seems to be showing up at court to support teens and their families. Not as flashy...but beautiful in its own way.