Monday, July 16, 2007

The Jack Hammer and the Peace Maker

Just the other day, I woke up 2 hours earlier than I needed to by a jackhammer. I tried to fall back asleep but was woken again. As I looked out the window, I saw an arm...the giant jackhammer machine arm! It made crazy, constant, eardrum blowing noise. It 'set my teeth on edge' to put it mildly. A rude awakening.

So I quickly got ready & started looking for quiet. Definetly NOT available in the apartment. So I walked down the street. NOT available on the street. Into a park. NOT available in the park. Cars & construction everywhere! I was getting myself into a panic. Where can I find quiet!?!

Later that morning at work, a man and his daughter came in. He had some pamphlets so I instantly thought, "No thank you!" But instead he said, "I'm from the Alliance Church down the street. I was just wondering if I there was anything I could pray for you?" I started laughing and asked if he knew Bobby which of course he did. He again asked the question, "What can I pray for...for you?" "Peace & Quiet!" jumped from my mouth. He sweetly reminded me that we can have inner peace from God even with outer chaos about. How true. And sometimes God sends peace thru a quiet man and his daughter looking to pray for shop folks on Queen Street.

"I'm asking God for one thing,
only one thing:
To live with him in his house
my whole life long.
I'll contemplate his beauty;
I'll study at his feet.
That's the only quiet, secure place
in a noisy world,
The perfect getaway,
far from the buzz of traffic."

Psalms 27:4&5

The Cuban Love Towels

"There are many, doubtless, who have as yet got no farther in love than their own family; there are others to whom there is neither Frenchman nor Englishman, Jew nor Greek, white nor black--only the sons and daughters of God, only the brothers and sisters of the Lord. There may be who have learned to love the people of their own planet, but not yet to look with patience even upon those of Saturn or Mercury; others there must be, who, whenever they come upon a creature of God's making, love it up to the measure of the contact of their capacity of loving with its possibility of being loved. Some there must surely be capable of loving all life--from that of the archangel before God's throne, to that of the creeping thing he may yet have to destroy--from the beings of their own kind to those of systems never yet brought withing ken of heaven-pouring sage! Or is the heart of God only able for all the varied loves of his endless creations? This is sure, that until we love all we know, we are not true men, the children of him in whose image we are being made."

from George MacDonald's Castle Warlock published in 1882

Our Camera is in the Shop...

which is not a good thing when you're a picture blogger.